So you want to know how to Index Your Page in Google right? Well, we have the right answer. Whenever you create a new page, the first thing you probably want to happen is have people find it via Google and some other search engines, this is one of the ways you should love they will find it because is free but typically, you have to wait around for the spiders to analyze your website and add it to their search engines.

How to index your page in Google faster and claim what is yours

The first thing you should have to do is submit your website via Google Webmaster Tools. There’s so many pages to submit your website if you search ie “submit your page” but should do the things in the correct order.

Index your page VERY FAST in Google within minutes using plugins for WordPress

Most important thing that have WordPress is that’s built with nearly clean code. The default templates you start with (Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve) are smoke free, that is better to index your page faster. WordPress offers you a nice per-page and post customization, both with and without the need for plugins (more on those in a few). There’s many plugins you could use in order to index your page but I will talk about I have used with really great results.

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Things that you should do before post content or any plugins installation

1.- Update your ping list
By default any WordPress installation have only a ping service to tell that you’re there in order to index your page faster, but there are hundreds more. You can do that browsing from the Dashboard > Settings > Writing > Update services. Hope you enjoy the following link (protected with a tweet) that contains more than 300 ping services that i’ve actually use.

Ping services list

2.- Update your permalinks
How many times have you seen by searching at Google any page or post with a link like that in the first page? I personally never, if you has seen that by yourself you’re a fucking lucky dude. Is well known that Google don’t like these type of links, must be content related, and you can fix that changing your permalinks. Navigate via Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks > Custom structure and write “/%postname%” without quotes. That will transform your link into a human readable link, that will index your page faster too.

3.- Deactivate the month and year media based folders
Google doesn’t care when you’ve uploaded any hoe picture or the grandpa’s family album, disable this (by default) meaningless option via Dashboard > Media > Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders. You could set to 0 the sizes and deactivate the crop option too in order to save space disk, remember that when you give a picture to WordPress by default generates several more to decrease the loading speed serving the most appropiate resolution depending on where you insert the picture. Resize your pictures manually and don’t be a dumbhead.

Free plugins for WordPress

1.- All in One SEO Pack
This plugin by Michael Torbert provide an “all in one” solution to all the search engine optimization (SEO after that) related things. From the use of categories and tags as meta keywords to default title settings, autogenerated descriptions, home page settings including keywords and some other useful things to index your page faster and better, dont miss.

2.- Google XML Sitemaps
This one generates an online XML file sitemap of any WordPress post or page you have. This format is supported by the main search engines like Google, YAHOO, Bing and many others. By default you can find the sitemap.xml file of any WordPress installation following the rooth path of the page adding “/sitemap.xml” after, ie . This plugin also generate a compressed sitemap in GZip format in order to speed up the process and compatibility with some other search engines. Plugin writed by Arnee.

3.- SEO Friendly Images
One of the firsts SEO commandments for index your page is tag everything that you can tag with content and images related, ie, if you’ve placed an image cd cover of your music album in a page / post you should tag it with alt=”Music album” (no more than 3 keywords). Looks like an amazing but bored plan, not? Then let’s this plugin do it for you automatically and will shine literally. By Vladimir Prelovac.

4.- SEO Internal Links
The… ¿Second? SEO commandment index your page is backlink everything that you want to index higher, ie if you’ve writed an article talking about the sound of whales in a post and in a concrete text line by chance appears the word music maybe you want to leave an hyperlink to your own music page (if you’re a musician obviously). This plugin by Pankaj Jha do that automatically so that the web spiders (they fully analyze your website going thourgh hyperlinks helping the indexing time and position) index the “sound of whales” article and your music page / post too. You can write a keyword in the plugin options and everywhere that the word appear there will your custom link linking all the content for your visitors and web spiders easily.

5.- Web Ninja Auto Tagging System (AKA Web Ninja ATS)
This plugin is very useful but does not have much to explain, just take care automatically of analyze and tag every post you write based on Yahoo and queries. Very useful to take advantage in the most revelant keywords automatically, that will index your page higher, better, stronger, fast… Oh wait hahaha. Plugin by Josh Fowler.

6.- Digg Digg
Is well known that the social media haves a strong impact that increase the speed to index your page and rank it higher in Google. This plugin by Buffer will add a floating bar near your posts (or pages, you can decide where in the plugin options) that shows a social media bar that will have automatic share buttons from the most importants social networks. So think about that a moment… You could have ie 20 visits / day from Google or you could have 20 visits / day from Google and another 100 extra from Facebook fans / subscribers or twitter followers… So then more REAL views you have faster and higher Google should index your page, be VIRAL.

7.- SEO Helper
SEO Helper by Michael Henke is a quite simple solution if you don’t know everything about SEO. The plugin will show at the bottom of your dashboard post editor a little tab with useful information related with how to index your page / the post that are you writing and what things you should do, what things you could fix, and what things you shouldn’t do by any way.

Premium paid plugins for WordPress

1.- SEOPressor
In a few words, MUST HAVE. It’s like a mix of SEO Helper and SEO Internal Links but with tons and tons of optimizations and tricks. The best of that plugin is the SEO Score % bar that will tell you how much optimized is your page in order to be indexed. This plugin by Daniel Tan will save you a lot of time for test / error tricks research for only 47$. Give it a try. This plugin is not yet working properly due to the recent updates from Google Penguin and Google Hummingbird updates, the author should re-edit the entire code of the plugin soon.

2.- Auto Post Thumbnail PRO
This plugin download automatically to your WordPress the first image that appears in your blog and aumatically add it to the “Featured Image” of the post. Will add a default image for any post that haves no images added in the post content and extract and generate the properly thumbnails from YouTube Videos, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, Vimeo… This is not really a required plugin to index your page but the thumbnails of the related or recent posts always looks better with an image that will attract more people to click and read them, just… Think about how the people will navigate through your site and how will you like to navigate through your site if the site wasn’t yours.

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